The Carb Conversation.
Let’s have it. It’s the giant elephant in the room. You know we need to talk about it but the truth might hurt a little. But, by a little, I mean a wee-wee-bit. Because really, how much is your health worth? Living a long, energized, healthy life is worth giving up a few things, right?
Are carbs bad? No. Should we watch what kind of carbohydrates we consume? Yes. Carbohydrates are not the enemy. Processed, sweetened chemicalized, low-fiber carbs are.
Do we need carbs? Yes. Life is fundamentally about how energy is obtained, stored and used. And for humans, the amazingly complex machinery and biochemistry is all built around glucose. And, yep, you guessed it folks- through the process of digestion; all carbohydrates are converted to the simple sugar known as glucose.
Well, now what? Never eat “unopposed carbs.” Try to consume a high-fiber protein before or with carbohydrates. Our motto: never be more than an arm’s distance from a handful of almonds. Remember that fiber,brea fat and protein all moderate the glycemic impact of carbs, and this is particularly true of the amino acid, leucine. High leucine foods include seeds, nuts, beans, beef and fish.
Eat whole foods. Fiber slows down carbohydrate digestion and glucose delivery. It is therefore reasonable to say that whole foods (including whole grains, vegetables and fruit) are metabolically superior to refined grains and processed fruits and vegetables. An apple is far better for you than a glass of apple juice. Brown rice is better than white rice, whole barley is better than refined “pearl” barley; old-fashioned, steel-cut oats are better than instant oatmeal; whole peas are better than flavored, dried “snack” peas – you get the picture.
Re-tune your taste buds. It is important to enjoy your food, but those crafty food chemists have invented compounds that trick you into eating more than you need. They’re not kidding when they say, “Bet you can’t eat just one.” As you increase your intake of unprocessed whole natural foods, especially raw vegetables and legumes, you will be surprised at how fast your taste receptors become sensitive to the more subtle but no less enjoyable flavors and textures.
So, what is a reasonable amount of carbs? That depends on your size and activity live. For most active adults, keeping carbs below 100g per day will greatly help your Metabolic Makeover. 70 to 80g per day is ideal for most people, and still allows for a wide range of whole grains, fruits and vegetables.