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Health Media Now- Dr. Natalie Kather & Stephen Cherniske- The Metabolic Makeover

[ux_image id="3005" image_size="full"] [gap height="30px"] Please join us today, July 15, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. PST and 7:00 p.m. EST with host Denise Messenger for a great show!  Our special guests are Dr. Natalie Kather and Stephen Cherniske.  We will

The carb conversation.

 The Carb Conversation. Let’s have it. It’s the giant elephant in the room. You know we need to talk about it but the truth might hurt a little. But, by a little, I mean a wee-wee-bit. Because really, how much

The FAT truth

The FAT Truth That triple bacon cheeseburger will kill you, even if you are not obese. Turns out that adipose tissue (aka your fat tissue) is a dumping ground for excess dietary fat. OK no surprises there, but listen

Realities on Magnesium Stearate

Realities on Magnesium Stearate The Facts re Magnesium Stearate An Issue of Scientific Integrity Stephen Cherniske, M.S. Background When experts of the organic items motion obtain with each other, whether at a market or professional seminar, the chat usually transforms

25 Superfoods to Incorporate Into Your Diet Now

25 Superfoods to Incorporate Into Your Diet Now http://www.oprah.com/food/Superfoods-Ingredients-and-Recipes-for-a-Healthy-Diet/1 Your New Best Friends... Yes, you know better, but a lot of good that does your taste buds. They still prefer potato chips to beets, fried chicken to canned fish, and

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